We awarded two vehicles this week and one last week. I expect that a few people will have a better Thanksgiving.
1996 Mercury Sable to a widow from Waynesville working with Meridian and Circles. She was previously homeless. With the car she hopes to begin employment.
2004 Acura to a single mother of a 3yr old. She has completed a residential drug rehab program and returned to Jackson Co. She has a local job but has been relying on her social worker and Jackson Transit for rides to work and to get her daughter to Head Start. Her car will give her independence and allow her to improve her life. She was referred by Social Services
Dodge Charger to a family of 3 with one more on the way living in a local motel room. Their prior vehicle was totaled in an accident recently and insurance did not cover it. Without a vehicle he was unable to get to his job in Arden, and the children couldn`t get to Head Start. With no income due to no transportation they were in jeopardy of being evicted and becoming homeless. The Dodge Charger is a former police car donated by the Town of Sylva. He is proud of it and has helped make repairs on it. Within 2 days of getting it he expects to be working again and the two girls back in Head Start.
The bad news, for every one we award, it seems we get two applications. We have 8 either approved or applications pending.
Thanks for everyone`s help.
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